A downloadable asset pack

recreating kh1 hud on godot. very free. 


  • customizable following properties
    • inner and outer radius
    • horizontal scale because the real kh1 hud is oval-ish
    • resolution (on circular part)
    • orientation (u can turn the hud like in kh recom)
    • gradient adjustment (or uv adjustment)
  • has interactions like:
    • (just go to Interactions tab)
    • attack
    • magic
    • elixir (fills up mp and hp)
  • and u can just change the hp and mp directly (under the Stats tab)
  • the hud is also moveable. just click at the "center" of the circular bar (not exact center of the whole hud)


kh-hud.tar.gz 7.4 MB
kh-hud v-1.tar.gz 2.9 MB

Install instructions

to run it,

  1. extract somewhere (new folder is preferred)
  2. go open (or download) godot engine (im using 3.4.4)
  3. click import
  4. click browse
  5. find that folder
  6. click "project.godot", and
  7. click the run icon on the top right corner (as of 3.4.4).

Development log


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(1 edit)

is this editable


oh yes